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Last updated Unknown

# Life Expectancy Scenario

# Task Overview

Imagine that you are a data scientist at a global health organization. The organization wants to understand the key factors affecting life expectancy across different countries and to develop a model that can predict life expectancy based on these factors. By doing so, the organization aims to identify areas of intervention and resource allocation to improve life expectancy in countries with lower health indicators.

# Dataset

Life Expectancy WHO

# Objectives

  1. Data Exploration: Analyze the dataset to gain insights into the features affecting life expectancy.
  2. Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Handle missing values, outliers, and other data quality issues.
  3. Feature Selection: Identify the most relevant features for predicting life expectancy.
  4. Model Building and Evaluation: Train a machine learning model to predict life expectancy based on other features in the dataset.
  5. Insights and Limitations: Reflect on the insights gained from the model and limitations of the data and model.

# 1. Data Exploration and Analysis

# 2. Data Preprocessing

# 3. Feature Selection

# 4. Model Building and Evaluation

# 5. Insights and Limitations

# 6. Ethical and Practical Considerations

# Deliverables

All code and analysis should be kept in a single well formatted notebook.