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Last updated Nov 17, 2024

# Querying and Analysis for HR Database Assignment

Every questions should be answered with exactly one query. You will need exactly one SELECT statement per question. Be sure to provide complete and correct answers to each questions.

# Section 1: Understand the Data Structure

Question 1: Write a query to list all the regions available in the regions table.

Question 2: Find all countries in the countries table that are part of the region with region_id 2. Display the country names and their respective region IDs.

Question 3: List the job titles from the jobs table where the minimum salary is greater than 5,000 a month. Order the results by the minimum salary in ascending order.

Question 4: Retrieve the city and street address of all locations from the locations table that have the country_id of of ‘UK’. Sort the results by city in alphabetical order.

Question 5: Identify all departments in the departments table that have the location_id 1700. Display the department name and location ID.

Question 6: Find all employees whose last name starts with an ‘H’. Display their employee ID, first name, last name, email, and salary.

Question 7: Display the first and last names of dependents along with the ID of the employee they are related to. Order the results by employee ID in descending order.

# Section 2: Construct Relational Queries

Question 8: List all dependents along with the names of the employees they are dependent on. Display each dependent’s first and last name, and the first and last name of the associated employee.

Question 9: Which employees work in the ‘Shipping’ department? Display the department name along with each employee’s IDs, first name, and last name.

Question 10: Find all locations in the ‘Americas’ region. Display the country name, state/province, city and street address. List them in alphabetical order by the state/province.

Question 11: List the first names, last names, job titles and salaries a of all employees who have ‘Manager’ in their job title.

Question 12: Display the names and job titles of employees who work in any city other than ‘Seattle’. Display the name of the city they work in as well.

# Section 3: Perform Data Analysis

Use a multi-line comment to write explanations in the same .sql file as your queries.

NOTE: Please do not use commands that have not been covered in class! Aggregation functions, GROUP BY and sub-querying could be helpful, but are beyond the scope of this assignment. Draw conclusions using the tools we have discussed so far.

Question 13: In what months are most employees hired? Provide a single query to justify your answer. You can use MONTH(some_date_column) to extract just the month from a date.

Question 14: Why is Steven King’s manager ID null? Is it a case of missing data or was it intentionally left blank? Write a one to three sentence explanation. Provide a single query to prove your answer.

Question 15: Which cities seem to pay the highest salaries? Provide the query you wrote to explore the relationship between location and salary. Write a few sentences explaining how you came to this conclusion based on your query results. It might be useful to order by two columns. Think about which two would make the most sense. See SQL - W2 Select and Filter Data - ORDER BY for a refresher on ordering by multiple columns.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you copy your ENTIRE SCRIPT into PHPMyAdmin and run it against the database before you submit. Confirm that everything works as expected. If you submit a script that does not run it will receive a ZERO! Start early so you have time to get help and make corrections if needed!

# Lessons