# SQL Analytics Final - Practice Questions
Write a query to show the order ID, order date of orders and the first and last name of the employee who handled the order. Only show orders placed in September, October, November or December. Show recent orders first.
- Remember that you can use MONTH(ColumnName) to get the month.
Write a query to display the order ID, customer name, and employee last name for all customers whose names start with ‘A’. Sort the results by order ID in descending order.
Write a query to list all products with a price between $20
and $50
, and that belong to category ID 3 or 5. Display the product name, price, and category ID. Sort the results by price in ascending order.
Write a query to display the supplier name and the number of products they supply. Only include suppliers who supply more than 3 products. Order the results by the number of products in descending order.
Write a query to show the category name and the total quantity of products ordered for each category. Only include categories where the total quantity ordered is more than 1000. Sort the results by total quantity in descending order.
Write a query to show the top 5 customers by total order value. Display the customer name and their total order value. Only include customers who have placed orders totaling more than $10,000. Order the results by total order value in descending order.
- This last one is more challenging than what may be asked on the final but good for additional practice.
If you want more you’re welcome to come by office hours for more practice. ChatGPT (or other AI tools) can also be a good resource for generating additional practice questions!