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# Table JOINs

Use the Northwind Database for all questions.

# Table Relationships

# Table JOINs

  1. Write a query to return the dates of all orders along with the countries and cities of customers who placed the order.
  2. Write a query to return product names, prices, and units and the supplier names and cities of the suppliers who provide each product.

# Multiple Table JOINs

  1. Write a query to return the country, city, postal code and address each order was shipped to. Include the order date and the name and phone number of the shipper as well as the first and last name of the employee who facilitated the order.
  2. Write a query to return the name of every product that costs less than $50. Include the name of the product, it’s unit and it’s price. Include the name of the supplier and the name of the category the product is in. Sort the results from lowest to highest price.
  3. The sales team would like to know what products are most often ordered by customers outside of north America. Write a query to accomplish this. Explain why you believe your query is effective in answering this question in a comment after the query.

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