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# Midterm: JavaScript Technical Interview Redo

# Overview

If you are not satisfied with your performance on the midterm technical interview you have the opportunity take it again. A higher score on the second attempt can replace your score (up to a max of 90%) on the first attempt.

The second attempt at midterm will consist of a similar 15-minute one-on-one session with your instructor via Zoom. You will be asked to share your screen of Visual Studio Code to write code and answer technical questions. Information about the format and topics can be found here: 305 Midterm

# Requirements

Before scheduling your second attempt you must spend some time working with tutors practicing these questions. The tutors have been given instructions and example questions to help you prepare. After working with a tutor, remind them to send me a quick email me at to confirm that you attended.

# Scheduling

Book your second midterm attempt in advance during my office hours:  Book time with Keller Flint-Blanchard: Office Hours. Please sign in with your GRC student account when booking.

If you cannot make one of these times work, please get in touch.

# How to Prepare

  1. If you have not already, takes some time to complete the (305 JS Midterm Practice Questions) without notes. Questions on the midterm will be similar to these. For the flexbox and grid CSS topics, review / practice with Flexbox Froggy - A game for learning CSS flexbox and Grid Garden - A game for learning CSS grid.
  2. Go to the Friday open labs at Auburn Center or work with our tutors (see the  Tutoring Schedule for details)
  3. If you have questions or want additional practice, seek support:
    • Work with tutors
    • Attend board masters
    • Stop by office hours if you have any questions